Why with the Shroud’s imagined teeth don’t we see any imagined roots?

Hugh Farey has written a helpful posting explaing why, as he puts it:

There are no bones or teeth imaged on the Shroud, and X-rays were not a contributory factor in producing the images.

I completely agree with Hugh.  And BTW, if you have any interest in the Shroud of Turin, no matter your inclinations or beliefs, you should follow The Medieval Shroud : Exploring the medieval context of the Turin Shroud

In his posting, Hugh makes a very interesting point which I had never considered:

Those who think the teeth, usually coupled to the fingers, look like X-rays are almost always making a fundamental mistake. They only look like X-rays in a negative photo of the Shroud. The bones on an X-ray photograph look white because no X-rays come through them, so do not affect the emulsion of the plate capturing them. The dark area around the bones is where the X-rays impinge on the plate. The actual Shroud has dark areas where the bones are, but not around them or the body. If the Shroud were an X-ray in the normal sense, it would be dark all over, except for where the image blocked the rays, which would be unaffected linen.