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Bari Conference: A scientific event unprecedented in Puglia

Checking in on the Bari Workshop, September 4-5, 2014

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imageThe following is a Google-based translation from Controcampus, an Italian publication in the field of education:

Polytechnic of Bari – Thirty scientific work to unravel the mystery of the Holy Shroud. IEEE international event . In Bari, on 4 and 5 September, scientists from around the world

Research on the Shroud of Turin

For the first time, a scientific organization of international first class as the IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (present in 150 countries around the world, headquartered in New York), which includes in itself the best academics and Researchers around the world in the field of electrical engineering and electronics, has included themes of its conferences the study and research on a subject so well known and debated as the Shroud of Turin.

Workshopal  Poliba research on the Shroud of Turin

On 4 and 5 September, in Bari, at the Conference Centre of the Students of the University "Aldo Moro" of Bari (former Post Office building), in two rooms set up properly, there will be a special workshop with the participation of specialists from around the world to present new studies and research. The event, titled "Advances in the Turin Shroud Investigation 2014" (developments in the investigation of the Shroud) and briefly indicated by the acronym ATSI 2014 should be talked much about it, according to the expectations of researchers and scholars from all over the world.

The merit of the initiative of prof. Dario Petri, President of the Italian Section of the IEEE, which was followed by the accession of prof. Francis Lattarulo, Shroud, as well as afferent at the Polytechnic of Bari, general coordinator together with prof. Bruno Barberis, University of Turin, Director of the International Centre Sindonology of Turin. Unpublished will also be involved in this workshop of the IEEE for contributions treated with equal severity of the preliminary assessment, resulting from the humanities.

Meanwhile, to date, are received from all over the world 30 scientific works of researchers from different countries such as Spain, France, Hungary, Belarus, Algeria, Israel, India, USA and, of course, Italy. Narrow interest of the IEEE (the relevant papers accepted will be recorded electronically archive the technical-scientific and published in the Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop) those on: mechanisms of image formation and processing of the same, chemical and physical degradation of tissues exposed to Special aggressive, telluric phenomena of interest, electrostatic and electromagnetic experiments. To these must be added those of forensic medicine, archeology, palynology, history, philosophy / theology, iconography (such works can not be properly recorded in the archive of the IEEE technical-scientific but they will be published in the proceedings of the workshop).

Details curious and interesting: even if the workshop is included among the topics (topics) to be treated is also relevant to dating (eg. Radiocarbon one), nothing has come to now work in this direction. Perhaps this is due to the need to revise the experimental procedure, which would require the extraction of new samples granting of ecclesiastical authorities.

To the question rhetorical "because in Bari?", With reference to the workshop, Professor. Francis Lattarulo so responds, "the pioneering initiative of organizing an IEEE workshop on the subject of scientific studies on the Shroud of Turin was Dario Petri as a representative of the IEEE Italy Section. He, after having duly consulted, invited me to take on the role of General Chair of the workshop and to place it accordingly in Bari for logistical reasons, as this is my city of birth and life. He referred to me because I was and am the only Italian who responded to the dual condition of being engaged in the Shroud and to be presented with the highest possible qualification (in my case, academic) in the field of scientific and technical interest of their own ‘ IEEE, namely in the field of electrical engineering and electronics. There are none others in Italy, that I know of. "

The international event that advances the science of the Shroud Exposition in 2015, from 19 April to 24 June, is organized in close collaboration between the two highest academic forums constituted by the Polytechnic of Bari and University of Bari "Aldo Moro". "We are very pleased that the Politecnico its one of the organizers of this conference – said the Rector, Eugenio Di Sciascio. It ‘important – more – that science and faith can speak to each other without prejudice. The organization of the event, under the auspices of the IEEE, the oldest and most prestigious companies of Electrical and Electronic Engineers of the world, hope is the rigor with which the themes of the conference will be dealt with. " "This finding of which the first information about 1353 – added the Rector of the University of Bari, Antonio Uricchio – has never ceased to be studied and worshiped. Its history is dotted with many questions and few answers. With the certainty that the best tool for growth and meeting between thoughts is the debate, the University of Bari and Politecnico di Bari, they wanted to offer this means of comparison and information. The man reveals himself to himself – he concludes – free from the need of thought and habit, open to critical reflection and self-criticism and the intrinsic intelligibility of the world in which he lives. "

As you recall the Shroud of Turin is the most important object of worship of Christianity. The picture that emerges from the linen shroud according to the ancient tradition of the Christian faith is Jesus of Nazareth.

So far, some elements seem to be clear: the scientific results have let say with certainty that the image was produced through a natural process that involved the body of a human being. Well documented, as belonging to the rare blood group AB, are the traces of blood on the cloth.

A fact remains unsolved: although the Church has never claimed its authenticity, rather than reserving the attribute of the object of worship of relics, nobody has ever been able to play or to explain an alleged infringement of the Shroud.