imageAt my prompting, David Roemer sends his permission to publish his paper, Science, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Theology, History, and the Holy Shroud.

He writes in a comment:

I can’t say because no one is willing to discuss my slideshow/lecture ( and the supportive papers I submitted to the St. Louis and Bari conferences. I have no way of knowing what the shortcomings are of my presentation. I got only one invitation to give my lecture. I arrived at the parish in Manhattan with my slides and the pastor told me he decided to cancel my presentation because I was not promoting the authenticity of the Holy Shroud. I complained to the Vicar General, who told me that it was a matter than concerned only me and the pastor. I said there was no way the pastor and me could resolve our disagreement and asked to give a presentation to the pastor with other knowledgeable Catholics to discuss the disagreement. Cardinal Dolan told me I was “debunking” the Shroud, and I filed charges against him with the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. So far no attempt has been made to resolve the conflict between me and Cardinal Dolan.

Anyone willing?  Actually, David, is anything new here?  Haven’t we discussed this before?  The only thing that seems different is that two conferences rejected your paper since you discussed your ideas and got angry because someone would not let you present in their venue. Are you sure that you understand the reasons your paper was rejected? 

As I read your past comments, I see repeatedly that you depend heavily on the notion that “images are always created by humans.”  What about nature, such as with carbon fossils (fish above is an example) and Volckringer patterns. And can we scientifically rule out God creating images.