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Bible Archeology: The mystery continues

imageBible Archeology, the blog, says in its masthead:

Using archaeology to prove the Bible is a historically accurate document. Over the centuries many have challanged (sic) the Bible’s accuracy. While archaeology cannot prove the existence of God, it can help prove the Bible authors were good and accurate historians. These discoveries can help us see the authors of the Bible could be trusted with teaching us histroy, (sic) as well as about the divine.

Well, no, the authors of the Bible weren’t good and accurate historians. There has been a scattershot of archaeological discoveries that attest to historical places and events. Such discoveries are fascinating and informing. But, just as the Bible is not a science book, it is not a history book. Anyway, that is not the point. Bible Archeology, the blog, has just posted a brief update on the  Shroud. Here is the conclusion:

After multiple testing, there seems to be no definitive answer coming from science as to the authenticity of the Shroud. Not only are the test results inconsistent and widely vary by more than 1,000 years, another group of scientist insist the Shroud could not have been produced with the technology available during the middle-ages. Who are we to believe when the experts and scientist cannot agree among themselves? Each group makes valid points and has test results to back up their claims, but obviously they both cannot be accurate or correct. Regardless of when or how the image on the Shroud was produced, it is a fascinating artifact which continues to stir the interest of millions worldwide. Is it the burial cloth of Jesus? The Catholic Church is not certain, and it seems science is divided on the subject as well. The mystery continues.

Well yeah!

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