clip_image001Maria da Glória writes:

I can’t help sending you this e-mail because I was eagerly searching RAI uno website to know at what time will be Shroud exhibit bradcast and I’ve just known it will happen next saturday March 30 at 17:15 ( ITALIAN TIME)  from San Giovanni Battista cathedral.

I’ll tell you the steps I followed:

I «googled» RAI uno and in the website searched « Guida Programmi, Sab 30» and found « 17:15 Da Duomo di Torino A sua immagine Sindone i segni della Passione » ( I guess it translates in english «From the cathedral of Turin her Shroud Image the sign of the Passion» )

It’s a duty to share  this information  just now, with all the «Shroudies» of your wonderful blog.

Okay, here is what I have found:

1)  You can stream RAI Uno here.

2)  For smartphones and tablets check you App store. I found a good app in the Apple iPhone store. It’s free and works well if you have Wi-Fi access.