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More on Akiane’s Jesus, Heaven is for Real and the Man in the Shroud

EASTER 2014:  Important new open discussion on this blog:

Heaven is for Real, the Akiane Prince of Peace, the ISA Mosaic and the Shroud of Turin

Also see:

These comments pertain to Akiane’s Jesus, Heaven is for Real and the Man in the Turin Shroud.

One reader writes:

Can you imagine what might have happened if the 4 year old kid had been shown a picture of the shroud and said, “Yep, Dad, that’s him.”

Another reader writes:

This idea that the Akiane portrait looks like the Shroud face or the face developed by the History Channel assumes that Jesus had a haircut or a full salon treatment sometime between the time he was in the tomb and the time that Colton saw him. I’m dubious of the account in the book but I can’t rule it out. There is a resemblance.

Actually, the image was developed by Ray Downing and his team for the History Channel.

BostonBean wrote:

I think the painting of Jesus by Akiane Kramarik looks like the Shroud inspired painting of Jesus by Ariel Aggemian. Given that I have reservations about such visions or near death encounters, I find it very spooky.

B&B comments:

The Akiane looks like the St. Catherine Pantocrator with a new hair style.

And finally one reader of this blog wrote:

Maybe Akiane’s vision was the face on the Shroud. Remember that a vision is just that, a vision. It could come from a book or a picture in the news. The memory of a seven-year-old child being asked over and over to remember what he saw at age four is also something to take with a grain of salt. But they do look similar.

You all see a bit more than I do. But, yes, there is some resemblance. Anyway, here is a key to the images: The man with short hair and white clothing is the Akiane painting. The sepia toned image is the Ariel Aggemian inspired painting. The one with the deep blue shadows was created by Ray Downing for History. And, of course, the Pantocrator, almost certainly inspired by the Shroud of Turin, is the one with the big golden halo.

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