imageLede:  Chidambaram Ramesh, an Indian author, in his latest book “Shroud of Turin: An Imprint of the Soul, Apparition, or Quantum Bio-Hologram” has proposed a new theory that the mysterious image of the man on the Shroud is an imprint of the Quantum Self or Bio-Hologram and the effect of heat/light of such macro-scale quantum holographic manifestation of the man on the Shroud could have had a ‘scorch-like’ effect on the Shroud fibres to imprint the mysterious image on it.

Release:  (PRWEB) December 1, 2010

The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the faded image of a man who appears to have undergone physical torture consistent with Roman crucifixion. Preserved in the St.John Cathedral in Turin, Italy, it is widely believed to have wrapped the body of historical Jesus of Nazar and venerated by millions of people. The puzzling image on the Shroud of Turin has mystified the scholars and scientists for centuries and still refuses to yield up its secret to the scrutiny of most subtle and highly expertise technological analyses of hundred of intellectuals and researchers. Chidambaram Ramesh, an Indian author, in his latest book “Shroud of Turin: An Imprint of the Soul, Apparition, or Quantum Bio-Hologram” has proposed a new theory that the mysterious image of the man on the Shroud is an imprint of the Quantum Self or Bio-Hologram.

imageThe author has attempted to explain the scientific causes of the image on the Shroud under the realm of quantum physics. By drawing a series of evidences from palingenesis (spectral resuscitation of plants out of their ashes), natural magic, quantum physics and the recent findings of morphogenetic fields, he has unequivocally established that all material body of organisms, even if consumed to ashes, retain their selfsame form and figure. Even parts of the body like blood, skin etc., are capable of forming the 3D geometrical structure of the host organism in its entirety, which is a quantum hologram in the modern scientific terminology. He has concluded that the effect of heat or light emanating from such macro-scale quantum holographic manifestation of the man on the Shroud could have had a ‘scorch-like’ effect on the Shroud fibres to imprint the mysterious image on it.

He also explains some of the extraordinary characteristics of the Shroud image like the photographic negativity and the built-in body-to-linen 3-D information in the grayscale of the image. Real image of a hologram is a photographic negative, reversing the sides and inverted depth. 2-dimensional quantum holographic imprints, when subjected to VP-8 Image Analyzer, reveals its 3-dimensioanl encryption. Half-tone pixel effect, uniformity, viewing at a distance, dehydration of linen fibres due to radiation, absence of side images, double-superficiality, etc., can all be explained with the quantum holographic flux model, according to the author.

Published by the CinnamonTeal Publishing, Goa India, the book is internationally available at and


My Comments: The author – who certainly knows I have reservations about his thesis before even examining it in detail — has been kind enough to offer to send me a copy of the book for review. I will read it and I will write a review.

Is it fair to review a book if you are biased before opening the cover? Yes. The author has been promoting his ideas before publishing. That is common and it welcomes reviews by skeptics (though I think the Shroud is genuine). Let’s just say that this book must be reviewed. It is going to take a lot of  scientific evidence (or something) to convince me of these notions that I don’t think rise to the level of hypotheses that are stated as though they are facts:

  • [Alchemy] Palingenesis (spectral resuscitation of plants out of their ashes), natural magic, quantum physics and the recent findings of morphogenetic fields, he has unequivocally established that all material body of organisms, even if consumed to ashes, retain their selfsame form and figure.
  • 2-dimensional quantum holographic imprints
  • dehydration of linen fibres due to radiation
  • can all be explained with the quantum holographic flux model