Chidambaram Ramesh has responded to my post: Turin Shroud Madness?

imageWhen I first saw the ‘loon alert’ posted Dr. Jim West in Zwinglius Redivivus on my book “The Shroud of Turin: An Imprint of the Soul, Apparition or Quantum Bio-Hologram”, and your endorsement to it, I was a little surprised. How the people like you take the liberty to comment on a book which you know only by its title and not its contents, I wondered.

Still, I consider I am obliged to make my point more clearly and invite constructive criticism and healthy discussion on my book rather than these preconceived destructive comments.

First of all, let me put forth the following:

1. The quantum bio-holographic concept perhaps will seem a ridiculous story to those who read only the title of books; but those who desire may see this truth confirmed if they have recourse to the works of David Bohm (Wholeness and the Implicate Order), Mae-Wan Ho (The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of Organisms), László (The interconnected universe: conceptual foundations of transdisciplinary unified theory) Loocke (The physical nature of consciousness), Dr.Mitchell (Nature’s Mind: The Quantum Hologram and What is Consciousness? An essay on the relativistic quantum hologrphic model of the brain/mind, working by phase conjugate adaptive resonance ), Dr.Sue Benford (Empirical Evidence Supporting Macro-scale quantum holography in non-local effcts) and so on.

2. A couple of decades back, Dr.Jackson proposed that ‘the body of the Man in the Shroud became mechanically transparent to its physical surroundings; it emitted radiation from all points within and on the surface of the body. This radiation interacted with the cloth as it fell into the mechanically transparent body thereby forming the body image on the Shroud”. How could a human body become mechanically transparent to its physical surroundings? It is only a bio-hologram, my book explains.

3. My book is not of the nature of a scientific fiction. Rather, it provides concrete evidences to support the theory that organisms, even after their physical death, are capable of manifesting their body contour in its entirety. I have included experimental/observational facts as recorded by men of such high philosophical equipment and analytical ability like Arthanus Kircher, Isaac Disraeli, Sir Thomas Browne, Ebenezer Sibly, Friedrich Christoph Oetinger, Carl Linnaeus, Sir Kenelme Digby – to name a few. On the scientific front, the latest findings of morphogenetic fields (morphic fields as advocated by Rupert Sheldrake), DNA-Phantom effect by Peter Gariaev group in Russia (the findings have demonstrated beyond doubt that the DNA when irradiated with ordinary light generates weak images and is able to form 3-D holographic images of both the bio-structures which make up the organism and of the organism as a whole), Holographic transmission of bio-information as demonstrated by Mae-won, V.Budakovski of Russia, etc.

4. Finally, I have made a detailed comparison of the Shroud image with that of a quantum holographic imprint. Both exhibit light-reversal (photographic negativity), encoding of depth-information, non-directionality, uniformity, optimal viewing distance, Half-tone effect, dehydration of linen fibres due to moderate (not a violent) radiation, double-superficiality etc. If all the unique characteristics of the Shroud image can be satisfactorily explained by one hypothesis alone, must not that solution found on some grains of truth?

Last but not the least, the theory of quantum bio-hologram never contradicts the Christian dualistic dogma of mortal body and immortal soul. The biblical faith of resurrection might outwardly seem to foreshadow physical resuscitation of the material body in ‘flesh and blood’. Jesus Christ Himself has told us that after the resurrection, men shall be like angels, that is to say, they will have immortal bodies, incorruptible, light and luminous without however, losing their corporeal qualities, such as was the body of Jesus Christ after His Resurrection. When the apostle John attempted to touch the body of Christ, found no hardness of flesh, and met with no resistance from it; although he thrust his hand into the inner part of it. The characteristics of the spiritual body viz., the whole will see, the whole will hear, the whole serve as hands and the whole as feet, indubitably refers to the ‘holistic property’ of a bio-hologram. The transparent qualities of the resurrected body, its ability to pass through solid objections, phantom look-alike and luminousness explicitly refers to a bio-holographic image.

The contents of my book run into about 55,000 words. You can hardly make a correct presumption its contents from its title, nor can I be able to explain everything here. I have sent you a copy of the book. I hope it will convince you.

Sir, I promised you that I will read your book. And I understand from you that it has been sent. It is not uncommon for someone to approach any book with bias. It is a complete myth that even the greatest of literary reviewers have completely open minds to a book. This is particularly true in the fields of religion and politics. When I read Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, I did not do so with an open mind. Nor did I approach Christopher Hitchens’ God is Not Great. How could I reasonably be expected to do so.

In a previous post, I wrote:

Is it fair to review a book if you are biased before opening the cover? Yes. The author has been promoting his ideas before publishing. That is common and it welcomes reviews by skeptics (though I think the Shroud is genuine). Let’s just say that this book must be reviewed. It is going to take a lot of  scientific evidence (or something) to convince me of these notions that I don’t think rise to the level of hypotheses that are stated as though they are facts:

  • [Alchemy] Palingenesis (spectral resuscitation of plants out of their ashes), natural magic, quantum physics and the recent findings of morphogenetic fields, he has unequivocally established that all material body of organisms, even if consumed to ashes, retain their selfsame form and figure.
  • 2-dimensional quantum holographic imprints
  • dehydration of linen fibres due to radiation
  • can all be explained with the quantum holographic flux model

You wrote:

I was a little surprised. How the people like you take the liberty to comment on a book which you know only by its title and not its contents, I wondered.

You have it wrong. I actually commented on the title. The title is a turn-off to those who are scientifically minded. I will comment on the contents when I read your book.

Turin Shroud Madness? « Shroud of Turin Blog